%X ABSTRACT Speaking is a way for people to communicate. By speaking, people need language for communication. It can be a tool for people to understand each other. However, students still get difficulties in speaking. Therefore, it is important to investigate the difficulties faced by the students when they have to speak for public. Qualitative method and analysis are used in this research. The writer also uses three instruments, observations, questionnaires, and interviews. He conducted the research in English Language Education Study Program Pakuan University at semester 5 with 24 students who were selected by using purposive sampling. Based on the result, there were eleven difficulties faced by students. The most difficulties that students faced were clustering and redundancy. However, they have problems in pronunciation, grammar, fluency, vocabulary, interaction, anxiety, shyness, lack of confidence, and fear of mistakes. As a result, students face difficulties in speaking skill either linguistic or non-linguistic factors. Keywords: speaking, students’ difficulties, speaking %I Universitas Pakuan %D 2021 %A M. Harli Abadiansyah %A Yanti Suryanti %A Mursidah Rahmah %L eprintsunpak1097 %T STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES TO SPEAK FOR PUBLIC (A study conducted to the forth semester students of English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences, Pakuan University