%T Peningkatan Kreativitas Guru Melalui Penguatan Budaya Organisasi, Kepemimpinan Transformasional dan Motivasi Berprestasi (Studi Empirik Menggunakan Analisis Korelasional dan Aanlisis SITOREM pada Guru Tetap SMA Swasta Tearkreditasi A Wilayah Kabupaten Bogor) %L eprintsunpak1159 %D 2022 %X Creative teachers will always hone themselves to realize ideas, find new ways, act flexibly. are open to new things and have a work spirit in developing their creativity and competence, so that they can provide the best learning process services. Thus, it is expected that the output produced from the educational process will be of high quality. However, based on preliminary survey data, it shows that teacher creativity in private high school teachers in Bogar Regency is still relatively low. This makes researchers interested in trying to find new ways and strategies that can be practiced to increase teacher creativity by identifying and developing the variables that influence it, namely organizational culture, transformational leadership and achievement motivation. The population of this study was 580 private high school teachers accredited A in the Bogar Regency area. The samples were taken by applying proportional random, and number of samples by referring to the Slavin formula were of 237 teachers. The research method uses quantitative methods with SITOREM analysis. The results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between Organizational Culture and Teacher Creativity with a correlation coefficient (ry1) 0.620 (strong), there was a positive and significant relationship between Transformational Leadership and Teacher Creativity with a correlation coefficient (ryi) 0.681 (strong), there was a positive and significant relationship between Achievement Motivation and Teacher Creativity with a correlation coefficient (ry3) of 0.634 (strong). This means that the creativity of teachers in schools can be increased through strengthening organizational culture, transformational leadership and achievement motivation. Based on SITOREM analysis of the three research variables, it is known that there are ten indicators that need to be improved immediately to increase teacher creativity based on a priority scale, namely I) Transformational Leadership (X2) variable with indicators of motivating inspiration, intellectual stimulation, and individual attention. 2) Organizational Culture Variable (X2) with indicators of interest in generating ideas. 3) Achievement Motivation Variable (XJ with indicators of encouragement to excel and strong encouragement to get feedback. 4) Teacher creativity variable (Y) with indicators of a unique and creative approach, realizing new ideas or ways, openness to accept new/innovative ideas and test-resistant behavior. The indicators that are already good and need to be maintained are Transformational Leadership Variables (X2) with ideal influence indicators. 2) Organizational Culture Variable (X2) with indicators of openness, no1111s, behavior patterns, rules, relationships with the work environment, behavioral standards, risk-taking patterns, friendship and closeness. 3) Achievement Motivation Variable (X3) with indicators of high standard achievement, need for success, desire to achieve goals. 4) Teacher Creativity Variable (Y) with flexible acting indicators. %I Universitas Pakuan %A Murniwati Murniwati %A Rita Retnowati %A Widodo Sunaryo