relation: title: Analisis Sequential Explanatory Kinerja Guru ditinjau dari Kepemimpinan Visioner Kepala Sekolah, Budaya Organisasi dan Kepercayaan (Studi Empirik pada Guru PNS SMA N di Kota Tangerang Selatan) creator: Rahman, Arip creator: Widodo, Suparno Eko creator: Retnowati, Rita description: This study aims to find out how teacher performance can be improved by examining the relationship between principal visionary leadership, organizational culture and belief in teacher performance. The selected sample is 209 PNS high school teachers in South Tangerang City. This study uses a Mixed Sequential Explanatory Method, which is the first study using quantitative methods and then to deepen the research conducted with qualitative methods. Based on the analysis of research data, it can be concl uded that there is a positive relationship between the visionary leadership of the principal and teacher performance with a correlation coefficient of 0.738, there is a positive relationship between organizational culture and teacher performance with a correlation coefficient of 0.731. there is a positive relationship between trust and teacher performance with the coefficient correlation of 0.400, there is a positive relationship between the principal's visionary leadership and trust together with teacher performance with a correlation coefficient of 0.749, there is a positive relationship between organizational culture and trust together with teacher performance with a correlation coefficient of 0.748. and there is the positive relationship between the principal's visionary leadership, organizational culture and trust together with teacher performance with a correlation coefficient of 0.928. This indicates that teacher performance can be improved through strengthening the principal's visionary leadership, organizational culture and trust. Strengthening the visionary leadership of school principals, organizational culture and trust can be strengthened by the improvement of indicators that are still weak with the order of priorities prioritized as follows: I) confidence in work. 2) agreed norms. 3) adopted values, 4) relationships between individuals. 5) communication patterns. 6) personality. 7) competence. 8) virtue, 9)believe in promises. 10) Implementation of follo« -up assessment results. II) implementation of the learning process. 12) assessment or learning outcomes. and !3) implementation of guidance and training. While the indicators are in good condition and remain to be maintained. namely: 1) formulation of vision. 2) implementation oj'\ision.:» learning planning. 4) communication of all personnel. 5) believe in expectations. 6) real behavior patterns. 7) transformation vision. and 8) change agents. date: 2020 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Rahman, Arip and Widodo, Suparno Eko and Retnowati, Rita (2020) Analisis Sequential Explanatory Kinerja Guru ditinjau dari Kepemimpinan Visioner Kepala Sekolah, Budaya Organisasi dan Kepercayaan (Studi Empirik pada Guru PNS SMA N di Kota Tangerang Selatan). disertasi thesis, Universitas Pakuan.