%T Uji Cemaran Mikroba Pada Sediaan Serum Spray Katekin Gambir (Uncaria gambir (Roxb)) Dengan Penambahan Variasi Pengawet %L eprintsunpak3956 %D 2021 %X ABSTRACT Serum is a product that contains a higher concentration of active ingredients than other cosmetics. Microbiological quality is very important to note. The purpose of this research is to test the microbial contamination from a product with the Total Plate Count method. The experiment was done over the course of 8 weeks with intervals at week 0, week 4, and week 8. The experiment was tested in 4 formulas with different concentration of preservatives. Formula 1 without preservative (catechin 0,05%), formula 2 (cathechins 0,05% and neolone PH100 0,9%), formula 3 (cathechins 0,05%, neolone PH100 0,6% and methyl�paraben 0,1%), formula 4 (cathechins 0,05%, neolone PH100 0,6% and methyl-paraben 0,2%). The results show that all formulas of Catechin Gambir serum spray both containing no preservatives and containing preservatives are physically stable through parameter organoleptic, pH, homogeneity and viscosity. All formulas qualified the requirements of the microbial contamination test according to BPOM not more than 104 for 8 weeks. The lowest Total Plate Count compare to other formulas that is 1,6x102 in formula 4 week 8, and the highest Total Plate Count that is 6x102 in formula 1 week 8. Keywords : Serum, Spray, Cathechin, Preservative, Total Plate Count. %I Fakultas MIPA %A Thesya Puspita Lestari %A Dwi Indriati %A Fitria Dewi Sulistiyono