%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Panggabean, Sarah Nora %A Suryanti, Yanti %A Vonti, Lungguh Halira %B Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris %D 2021 %F eprintsunpak:479 %I Universitas Pakuan %T USING POWTOON ON STUDENTS’ ABILITY TO CONSTRUCT COMPLEX SENTENCES %U http://eprints.unpak.ac.id/479/ %X English sentence is a basic thing that students need to learn. One of the most common is complex sentences. Complex sentence has a social function that can be applied anywhere and anytime. However, most of the students face difficulties in constructing complex sentences. Thus, a medium is needed to facilitate students to increase their ability on constructing complex sentences. Powtoon is a medium that can be applied in the teaching learning process to increase students’ ability to construct complex sentences. This research was conducted to investigate the effect of using Powtoon on students’ ability to construct complex sentences. The population of this research was the twelfth grade of SMA Yadika 11 Bekasi. The total number of samples was 32 students of XII MIPA 2 class. The sample was taken by random sampling technique. The writer used pre-experimental method and chose one group pre-test and post-test design. The instrument of this research was a writing sentence test which was given to measure students’ ability to construct complex sentences using noun clauses and adjective clauses. The data were gained from pre-test and post-test. The data were counted using the T-test formula. The result of this analysis showed that t-test value is 12.6. Meanwhile, the t-table is 2.03 at significance level 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) is 31. Therefore, the t-calculated is higher than t-table (12.6>2.03). It means that alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. In conclusion, the result shows that this technique can be useful to increase students’ ability to construct complex sentences. Keywords: Complex sentence, Powtoon.