%0 Thesis %9 disertasi %A Nurhasan, Abdul Kodir %A Rubini, Bibin %A Sunaryo, Widodo %A Universitas Pakuan, %A Sekolah Pascasarjana, %A Manajemen Pendidikan S3, %B Manajemen Pendidikan S3 %D 2021 %F eprintsunpak:502 %I Universitas Pakuan %T Penguatan Efikasi Diri, Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) dan Pemberdayaan dalam upaya peningkatan keinovatifan Guru (Studi Empiris menggunakan Metode Korelasional dan Analisis SITOREM pada Guru Sekolah Dasar Negeri (SDN) di Kota Bogor) %U http://eprints.unpak.ac.id/502/ %X The innovativeness of the teacher shows a change in behavior, that is, the ultimate goal of the diffusion program is not just thoughts and attitudes. As a good learning manager, teachers should not be out of date with these new findings. Teachers must be able to adopt and integrate these findings into practice. In general, this study aims to increase the innovativeness of public elementary school teachers in Bogor City through efforts to develop self-efficacy variables, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and empowerment by identifying the strengths of the relationship between these variables. The population in this study were all civil servant teachers in public elementary schools accredited "A" in Bogor City totaling 1648 teachers spread across 158 public elementary schools in 6 (six) sub-districts throughout Bogor City. Sampling using multistage proportional random sampling and the calculation of the number of samples using the Taro Yamane formula, obtained a research sample of 270 people. This study uses a correlational method to test the research hypothesis, namely to determine whether there is a positive relationship between self-efficacy, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and empowerment with innovativeness. Based on these results, SITOREM analysis is carried out to determine recommendations and determine the priority order of handling indicators that must be improved. The results of the quantitative research show that: There is a positive and significant relationship between Self-Efficacy and Innovativeness, the ry1 correlation value is 0.148 with very weak criteria; There is a positive and significant relationship between Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Innovation, the ry2 correlation value is 0.599 with strong enough criteria, and there is a positive and significant relationship between empowerment and innovativeness. The correlation value ry3 is 0.713, which means that the relationship is strong.