%D 2022 %T Peran Dan Tanggungjawab Negara Peluncur Terhadap Sampah Ruang Angkasa (Space Debris) Yang Ditinjau Dari Konvensi Internasional Outer Space Treaty 1967 Tentang Traktat Antariksa Tahun 1967 %L eprintsunpak5581 %X The more developed and advanced a science is, the more innovative developments will be born in it, one of these developments is in the field of space. The launch of the Sputnik I satellite marked the beginning of space utilization. So a month after the launch of Sputnik, the UN General Assembly slowly showed its desire in the development of the space field, giving birth to various resolution Until December 19, 1966, thanks to the work of the Committee and good negotiations between the Soviet Union and the United States, the UN General Assembly accepted the Space Treaty, known as the Outer Space Treaty (Treaty on the Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies). The birth of the Outer Space Treaty, 1967 paved the way for the development of space science. Outer Space Treaty, 1967 is an international treaty that becomes the legal basis for countries in carrying out space activities such as exploration to exploitation. Indonesia as one of the UN member states is also responsible for space activities, this is confirmed by the ratification of the Outer Space Treaty, 1967 with Law Number 16 of 2002 concerning the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, 1967. The utilization of space so far is a utilization related to human life, such as helping the running of telecommunications and emitting evenly distributed signals. But in the course of an activity, of course there is a possibility that a problem can arise in it. Such as the emergence of space debris. Space debris here is an object orbited around the earth and created by humans, as well as objects that are no longer used, whether objects that can still be identified or not. Then, this problem can have an impact that can affect performance in space exploration and exploitation. That is what makes the Outer Space Treaty, 1967 and other relevant treaties have a role in regulating space activities, especially in the responsibility for handling space junk. %A Tazkia Salsabila %A Chairijah Chairijah %A Mustika Mega Wijaya %I Universitas Pakuan