%0 Thesis %9 disertasi %A Kurniasari, Daningsih %A Hardhienata, Soewarto %A Rubini, Bibin %A Universitas Pakuan, %A Sekolah Pascasarjana, %A Manajemen Pendidikan S3, %B Manajemen Pendidikan S3 %D 2019 %F eprintsunpak:63 %I Universitas Pakuan %T Peningkatan Kinerja Guru melalui Kepemimpinan Transformasional Kepala Sekolah, Kompetensi Pedagogik, dan Motivasi Berprestasi Guru (Studi Empirik Menggunakan Sequential Explanatory Methods dan Analisis SITOREM pada Guru SMP Swasta Terakreditasi “A” di Kota Depok Jawa Barat) %U http://eprints.unpak.ac.id/63/ %X Teacher performance is literally the main root to achieve the education aim, that is to educate the nation life. From the beginning survey absolutely seems that teacher performance, especially the teachers of private Junior High School (Ind: SMP Swasta) in Depok City, in which is beyond the expected education, means “das sein” instead of “das sollen”. Therefore, teacher performance in Depok city is interesting to be surveyed.The research generally purposes to find out the efforts to increase the teacher performances of private Junior High School (Ind : SMP Swasta) in Depok City, that is by identifying the strength of relationship between variables, which estimated to contribute on teacher performance, such as transformational leadership, pedagogic competence and achievement motivation for private Junior High School (Ind: SMP Swasta) in Depok city, West-Java either independence or team method.This research uses a combination method (mixed methods), one of which is a sequential explanatory method (Ind: metode urutan pembuktian) , namely the collection and analysis of quantitative data in the first stage, and followed by the collection and analysis of qualitative data in the second stage, to strengthen the results of quantitative research conducted in the first stage. Mixed methods research focuses on collecting and analyzing data and integrating quantitative data and qualitative data, both in single studies (Ind: Penelitian tungal) and series studies. The central premise that forms the basis of mixed methods research is to use a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches to find more precise and accurate research results.The population in this research are all teachers of public private Junior High schools and Islamic Private Junior High School with accredited A in 22 (twenty two) junior high schools and in 11 (eleven) sub-districts in Depok City totaling 407 teachers. The results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between transformational leadership of headmaster and teacher performance, which was shown by a simple correlation coefficient (ry1) of 0.523. There is a positive and significant relationship between pedagogic competence and teacher performance, which is indicated by a simple correlation coefficient (ry2) of 0.303 There is a positive and significant relationship between achievement motivation and teacher performance, which is indicated by a simple correlation coefficient (ry3) of 0.510. There is a positive and significant relationship between principals' transformational leadership and pedagogic competence together with teacher performance, which is indicated by multiple correlation coefficients (Ry12) is 0.564. there is a positive and significant relationship between transformational leadership of headmaster, pedagogic competence and achievement motivation together with teacher performance, which is indicated by multiple correlation coefficients (Ry123) is 0.591 The relationship is strengthened by the results of qualitative research, which reveals that transformational leadership of headmaster, pedagogic competence and achievement motivation together can contribute to improving teacher performance. This shows that teacher performance can be improved through transformational leadership of headmaster, pedagogic competence and achievement motivation.The results of the SITOREM analysis showed that the components of teacher performance, transformational leadership, paedagogy competence and achievement motivation which needed priority to improve were: 1) intellectual stimulation, 2) liking challenges, 3) mastering learning theory & learning principles 4) curriculum development, 5) educating learning 6) communication with students, 7) assessment and evaluation. 8) developing potential students 9) being able to plan KBM and, 10) being able to follow up.