@phdthesis{eprintsunpak7506, year = {2023}, title = {(Korelasi Antara Kadar Flavonoid Total dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Daun Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa L.) pada Berbagai Konsentrasi Etanol)}, school = {Universitas Pakuan}, month = {August}, author = {Tia Amalia Rahman and Bina Lohita Sari and Yulianita}, abstract = {The Correlation Between Total Flavonoid Content and Antioxidant Activity of Phaleria macrocarpa L. Leaves Extract at Various Concentrations of Ethanol (Korelasi Antara Kadar Flavonoid Total dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Daun Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa L.) pada Berbagai Konsentrasi Etanol) BINA LOHITA SARI*, YULIANITA, TIA AMALIA RAHMADIANI Pharmacy Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Pakuan, Bogor 16129, Indonesia *Corresponding author E-mail: binalohitasari@unpak.ac.id Abstract: Phaleria macrocarpa L. leaves have a variety of secondary metabolites, such as flavonoids which have antioxidant properties. Solvent concentration plays a role in plant extraction, to obtain certain compounds. Microwave-Assisted Extraction (MAE) method with 800 watts powers, 5 minutes extraction, various ethanol concentration such as 30, 50, 70, and 96\% were used to determine total flavonoid content of P. macrocarpa L. leaves extract. During the extraction process, the temperature is kept below 80?C. The UV-Vis spectrophotometry was employed to determine the extracts. Based on the result, P. macrocarpa L. leaves extract in 70\% ethanol yielded the highest total flavonoid content (7.87\% {$\pm$} 0.03) and the strongest antioxidant activity with IC50 value of 84.60 {$\pm$} 0.40 ?g/mL. The correlation coefficient (r) value of 0.9844 which indicates that the levels of total flavonoid content and IC50 have a very strong correlation. Keywords: Antioxidant Activity, Phaleria macrocarpa L. Leaves, Total Flavonoid Content, MAE, Ethanol Concentration. Abstrak: Daun Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa L.) memiliki berbagai senyawa metabolit sekunder, seperti flavonoid yang memiliki sifat antioksidan. Konsentrasi pelarut berperan dalam ekstraksi suatu tanaman, untuk memperoleh senyawa tertentu. Metode Microwave-Assisted Extraction (MAE) dengan daya 800 watt, ekstraksi selama 5 menit, berbagai konsentrasi etanol seperti 30, 50, 70, dan 96\% digunakan untuk mengetahui kandungan flavonoid total ekstrak daun Mahkota Dewa. Selama proses ekstraksi, suhu dijaga dibawah 800C. Spektrofotometri UV-Vis digunakan untuk menganalisis ekstrak. Berdasarkan hasil, ekstrak daun Mahkota Dewa dalam etanol 70\% menghasilkan kadar flavonoid tertinggi (7,87\% {$\pm$} 0,03) dan aktivitas antioksidan terkuat dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 84,60 {$\pm$} 0,40 ?g/mL. Nilai koefisien korelasi (r) 0,9844 yang menunjukkan bahwa kadar flavonoid total dan IC50 memiliki korelasi yang sangat kuat. Kata Kunci: Aktivitas Antioksidan, Daun Phaleria macrocarpa L., Flavonoid, MAE, Variasi Pelarut.}, url = {http://eprints.unpak.ac.id/7506/} }