%0 Thesis %9 disertasi %A Rizkiyah, Nur %A Notosudjono, Didik %A Setyaningsih, Sri %A Universitas Pakuan, %A Sekolah Pascasarjana, %A Manajemen Pendidikan S3, %B Manajemen Pendidikan S3 %D 2021 %F eprintsunpak:780 %I Universitas Pakuan %T Peningkatan Kepuasan Keja Melalui Penguatan Budaya Organisasi, Kepemimpinan Transformasonal dan Motivasi Berprestasi: studi empiris menggunakan Path Analisis dan analisis SITOREM pada Guru PNS SMPN Se-Jakarta Selatan %U http://eprints.unpak.ac.id/780/ %X The results of this study conclude that: (]) Organizational Culture has a direct positive effect on job satisfaction. This means that changes in organizational culture increase will lead to an increase in the job satisfaction of South Jakarta State Junior l=Jigh School teachers. This is evidenced by the path coefficient with J3yl = 0.391. The significance value (0.000) is below 5% so that l=Jo is rejected (2) Transformational Leadership has a positive direct effect on job satisfaction. This means that changes in the increase in transformational leadership will lead to an increase in the job satisfaction of South Jakarta State Junior High School teachers. This is evidenced by the path coefficient value with J3y2 = 0.492. The significance value (0.000) is below 5% so Ho is rejected (3) Achievement motivation has a direct positive effect on job satisfaction. This means that changes in the increase in achievement motivation will lead to an increase in job satisfaction for South Jakarta State Junior High School teachers. This is evidenced by the value obtained by the path coefficient value with J3y3 = 0. 72 The significance value (0.001) is below 5%, so Ho is rejected (4) Organizational culture has a direct positive effect on achievement motivation. This means that changes in organizational culture will increase the achievement motivation of South Jakarta State Junior High School teachers. This is proven by the value obtained by the path coefficient value with J331 = 0.392. The significance value (0.019) is below 5% so that Ho is rejected (5) Transformational leadership has a direct positive effect on achievement motivation. This means that changes in transformational leadership improvement will lead to an increase in achievement motivation ofSouth Jakarta State Junior High School teachers. This is evidenced by the value obtained by the path coefficient value with j332 = 0.454. The significance value (0.000) is below 5%, while the value obtained is tcount = 3. 722, compared to the value of ttable = 1.658 at the error level = 5% for degrees offreedom = 133, the value of tcount is above ttable, so Ho is rejected (6) Organizational culture has a direct positive effect on transformational leadership. This means that changes in organizational culture will lead to an increase in the Transformational leadership ofSouth Jakarta State Junior High School teachers. This is evidenced by the value obtained by the path coefficient value with j321 = 0.353. The significance value (0.000) is below 5%, so Ho is rejected (7) the indirect effect of organizational culture on teacher job satisfaction with achievement motivation as an intervening variable so that strengthening organizational culture can increase teacher job satisfaction, meaning that changes in organizational culture increase will lead to strengthening job satisfaction through achievement motivation as an intervening variable, this is evidenced by the value of obtained path coefficient value with f34 l = 0.262. The significance value (0.000) is below 5%, so Ho is rejected. (8) the indirect effect of Transformational Leadership on teacher job satisfaction with achievement motivation as an intervening variable so that the strengthening of Transformational Leadership can increase teacher job satisfaction, meaning that changes in increasing transformational leadership will lead to strengthening of job satisfaction through achievement motivation as an intervening variable. This is evidenced by the value obtained by the path coefficient value with f341 = 0.424. The significance value (0.000) is below 5%, so Ho is rejected. (9) the indirect effect of organizational culture on teacher job satisfaction with Transformational Leadership as an intervening variable so that strengthening organizational culture can increase teacher job satisfaction, meaning that changes in organizational culture will lead to strengthening job satisfaction through transformational leadership as an intervening variable. This is evidenced by the value obtained by the path coefficient value with f343 = 0.524. The significance value (0.000) is below 5%, so Ho is rejected