%T Peningkatan Kinerja Guru melalui Penguatan Pengambilan Keputusan, Organisasi Pembelajar dan Efikasi Diri (Studi Empiris Menggunakan Metode Korelasional dan Analisis SITOREM pada Guru MTs Negeri di Jakarta Timur) %L eprintsunpak794 %D 2021 %X Abstract This study aims to find ways and strategies to improve teacher's performance by identifying the strength of the relationship between decision-making variables, learning organizations, and self efficacy with teacher's performance, both individually and collectively. This type of research is a quantitative research with correlational analysis and SITOREM analysis. The population in this study were all ASN teachers who served at State Islamic Junior High School in East Jakarta, amounting to 510 people. The research sample was taken using the Proportional Random Sampling technique with a size using the Slovin formula of 225 teachers. The results of descriptive statistical analysis show that the position of the data for each research variable is high where the empirical median score is greater than the theoretical median score ; the teacher's performance variable (133 93), the learning organization variable (128 > 105), the decision making variable (129 > > 90), and the self-efficacy variable (126 > 90). The results of inferential statistical analysis show that there are very significant positive relationship between: (1) decision-making variables with teacher's performance, wth correlation coefficient ry l = 0.412 and coefficient of determination Ry 1 = 0.1697; (2) Leaming organization variables with teacher's performance, with correlation coefficient ,y2= 0.397 and coefficient of determination Ry2 0.1575; (3) self-efficacy variable with teacher's performance, with correlation coefficient ,y3 0.441 and coefficient of determination Ry3 = 0.1946 ; ( 4) decision-making variables and learning organizations with teacher's performance, with correlation coefficient ,yl.2 = = 0.386 and coefficient of determination Ry 1. 2 = 0.149 2; (5) decision-making variables and Seif-efficacy with teacher's performance, wth correlation coefficient ,yl.3 = 0.563 and coefficient of determination Ryl.3 = 0.3173; (6) learning organizational variables and self-efficacy with teacher's performance,with correlation coefficient ,y2.3 = 0.409 and coefficient of determination Ry2.3 = 0.1669; (7) the variables of decision-making, learning organizations, and self-efficacy with teacher's performance, with multiple correlation coefficient ,y 1.2.3 = 0.863 and coefficient of determination Ryl.2.3 = 0. 745. This means that teacher's performance can be improved through strengthening decision­making, learning organization, and self-efficacy both individually and together. The results of the SITOREM analysis show that there are indicators of teacher's performance, decision making, learning organization, and self-efficacy that have been well maintained ordeveloped, while those that are not good need to be corrected immediately. %I Universitas Pakuan %A Imam Sayuti %A Billy Tunas %A Rita Retnowati