@phdthesis{eprintsunpak8562, title = {Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan Guru Melalui Penguatan Pemberdayaan, Efikasi Diri, dan Motivasi Kerja (Studi Empirik Menggunakan Pendekatan Analisis Jalur dan Analisis SITOREM pada Guru SMK Negeri Kabupaten Sukabumi)}, author = {Deni Muhamad Saripudin and Soewarto Hardhienata and Nandang Hidayat}, school = {Univ. Pakuan}, year = {2024}, abstract = {This study aims to empirically determine the improvement of teacher service quality through strengthening empowerment and self-efficacy with work motivation as an intervening variable. The research analysis unit is State Civil Apparatus teachers from 11 State Vocational Schools located in Sukabumi Regency with a population of 327 and a sample of 180 teachers. The study used survey methods with path analysis approaches and SITOREM analysis. The data analysis techniques used are descriptive statistics, testing statistical analysis requirements and hypothesis testing with a significance level of 0.05. The study came to nine conclusions. First, there is a positive direct influence of empowerment (X1) on the quality of teacher services (Y), with the value of the path coefficient {\ensuremath{\beta}}y1 = 0.162 so that empowerment can strengthen the quality of teacher services. Second, there is a positive direct influence of self-efficacy (X2) on the quality of teacher services (Y), with the value of the path coefficient {\ensuremath{\beta}}y2 = 0.103 so that self-efficacy can strengthen the quality of teacher services. Third, there is a direct positive influence of work motivation (X3) on the quality of teacher services (Y), with the value of the path coefficient {\ensuremath{\beta}}y3 = 0.592 so that work motivation can strengthen the quality of teacher services. Fourth, there is a positive direct effect of empowerment (X1) on work motivation (X3), with the value of the path coefficient {\ensuremath{\beta}}31 = 0.462 so that empowerment can strengthen work motivation. Fifth, there is a positive direct influence of self-efficacy (X2) on work motivation (X3), with the value of the path coefficient {\ensuremath{\beta}}32 = 0.319 so that self- fficacy can strengthen work motivation. Sixth, there is a positive indirect influence of empowerment (X1) on the quality of teacher services (Y) through work motivation (X3), with a path coefficient {\ensuremath{\beta}}31{\ensuremath{\beta}}y3 of 0.273 so that the indirect influence of empowerment can strengthen the quality of teacher services through work motivation. Seventh, there is a positive indirect influence of self-efficacy (X2) on the quality of teacher services (Y) through work motivation (X3), with a {\ensuremath{\beta}}32{\ensuremath{\beta}}y3 pathway coefficient of 0.189 so that the indirect influence of self-efficacy can strengthen the quality of teacher services through work motivation. Departments need improvement for indicators that are still weak based on the results of SITOREM analysis. Ninth, there are indicators that need to be maintained or developed according to SITOREM. Based on the results of the final research, it can be stated that the quality of service for ASN SMK Negeri teachers in Sukabumi Regency can be improved by strengthening empowerment, self-efficacy and work motivation.}, url = {http://eprints.unpak.ac.id/8562/} }