@phdthesis{eprintsunpak8563, title = {Peningkatan Komitmen Terhadap Organisasi melalui Penguatan Kepemimpinan Melayani, Efikasi Diri dan Kepuasan Kerja (Studi Empiris Menggunakan Teknik Analisis Jalur dan Analisis SITOREM pada Guru SMA Negeri se-Wilayah IV Pelabuhanratu)}, author = {Ihsan Al Ma?ruf and Eri Sarimanah and Widodo Sunaryo}, school = {Univ. Pakuan}, year = {2024}, url = {http://eprints.unpak.ac.id/8563/}, abstract = {Commitment to the organization is one of the important elements to build and achieve organizational goals. This study aims to find efforts to increase commitment to organizations through the study of the relationship between servant leadership, self-efficacy, and job satisfaction. This study used survey method with Path analysis and SITOREM analysis. This research was conducted on ASN teachers in public secondary high schools around Pelabuhan Ratu area. Sampling was carried out randomly proportionally as many as 125 out of 186 populations. Data collection in this study used questionnaires as instruments. The data analysis techniques used are descriptive statistics, testing statistical analysis requirements and hypothesis testing with a significance level of 0.05. The study came to nine conclusions. First, there is a direct influence of serving leadership (X1) on commitment to the organization (Y), with the value of the path coefficient {\ensuremath{\beta}}y1 = 0.618 so that serving leadership can strengthen commitment to the organization. Second, there is a direct positive effect of self-efficacy (X2) on commitment to the organization (Y), with the value of the path coefficient {\ensuremath{\beta}}y2 = 0.226 so that self-efficacy can strengthen commitment to the organization. Third, there is a direct positive effect of job satisfaction (X3) on commitment to the organization (Y), with the value of the path coefficient {\ensuremath{\beta}}y3 = 0.156 so that job satisfaction can strengthen commitment to the organization. Fourth, there is a positive direct influence of serving leadership (X1) on job satisfaction (X3), with the value of the path coefficient {\ensuremath{\beta}}31 = 0.402 so that service leadership can strengthen job satisfaction. Fifth, there is a positive direct effect of self-efficacy (X2) on job satisfaction (X3), with the value of the path coefficient {\ensuremath{\beta}}32 = 0.596 so that self-efficacy can strengthen job satisfaction} }