@phdthesis{eprintsunpak900, school = {Universitas Pakuan}, year = {2022}, author = {Martinus Gea and Soewarto Hardhienata and Rita Retnowati}, title = {Analisis Sequential Explanatory Kinerja Guru Ditinjau dari Kepemimpinan Visioner Kepala Sekolah, Teamwork dan Kepribadian Guru SMAN Kota Tangerang Selatan Provinsi Banten}, abstract = {Teacher performance is teacher behavior related to responsibilities in professional assignments, planning and preparing for teaching, preparing material to be taught to students, designing teaching methods and strategies, giving assignments to students, managing classes and conducting assessments and evaluations .. Researchers are interested in producing new ways and strategies that can be put into practice to improve teacher performance by identifying and developing the variables that influence them, namely the principal's visionary leadership, teamwork, and personality. The population of this research is the teachers of ASN SMA Negeri in Tangerang City totaling 453 people from 12 schools. The sampling technique used is a random sampling technique (proportional random sampling). Samples were taken using the Taro Yamane formula with a sampling error rate of 5\%. The results of the calculation of the number of samples are 213 people. The research method uses quantitative methods with SITOREM analysis. The results showed that there was a positive and very significant relationship between the principal's visionary leadership and teacher performance with a correlation coefficient (ry1) of 0.894 (very strong), there was a positive and very significant relationship between teamwork and teacher performance with a correlation coefficient of ry2 of 0. 781 (very strong).), there is a positive and very significant relationship between personality and teacher performance with a correlation coefficient ry3 of 0.981 (very strong). This means that the productivity of teacher performance in SMA Negeri, Tangerang City can be increased through strengthening the variables of the principal's visionary leadership, teamwork, and personality. Based on the SITO REM analysis of the three research variables, it is known that there are eleven indicators that need to be improved immediately to improve teacher performance based on the priority scale, namely 1) Agent of change, 2) Emotional Stability, 3) Conscientiousness, 4) Mastery of teaching methods and strategies, 5) Agreeableness, 6 ) Ability to plan and prepare for teaching, 7) Extroversion, 8) Openness to Experience, 9) Ability to conduct assessment and evaluation, 10) Ability to manage classes, and 11) Giving assignments to students. The indicators that are already good and need to be maintained are trust in the group, effective communication, group cohesiveness, readiness to face challenges, motivating employees, creating partnerships and mastering the material to be taught to students.}, url = {http://eprints.unpak.ac.id/900/} }