@phdthesis{eprintsunpak9116, author = {Demina Krista}, title = {USING ORAL REWARDS IN MOTIVATING YOUNG LERANERS? PARTICIPATION (A Study Conducted of the Second Grade of SD Pengadilan 5 in Bogor)}, school = {Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan}, month = {September}, year = {2016}, abstract = {ABSTRACT In teaching English Learning, a teacher must be creative and able to create confortable atmosphere. One of them is by applying oral rewards usually makes the learners feel interested in learning English. The English teacher used some strategies to motivate the students (young learners) to participate in the learning process. The English teacher used praises (oral rewards) to reward to complement to all the students, including the students who had low motivation to participate in the learning process. The aim of the research is to describe the Use Oral Rewards in Motivating Young learners Participations. The writer uses descriptive method in conducting the research. The participants, the second-grade students of SD Pengadilan in Bogor. Fill the documents from lesson plans from the English teacher. Then, the writer interview only one teacher to get more data about oral reward to motivate young learners? participation. The students are motivated because of oral reward (praise). Oral rewads motivate and help the students antusias, encorouge and participation in folowing learning process.}, url = {http://eprints.unpak.ac.id/9116/} }