TY - THES PB - Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan AV - public N2 - ABSTRACT This research is aimed to investigate the correlation between students understanding of past tense and their ability to comprehend narrative text. It is conducted to the third grade students of SMP Pandu, Bogor. The third grade students is chosen because they had learnt about narrative text in second grade of junior high school and treat their past tense ability for the next level of English The population of this research is 64 students while the sample is 54 students by quota sampling technique. Ex post facto design is aplied in correlation design, and pearson product moment formula is use to calculate the data. The data are taken from the test of past tense is 15 questions and the test from narrative test is 20 questions. She formulate the score by using pearson product moment The result of r-calculated (0.095), that is lower than r-table (0.268). It means that there is no correlation between students understanding of past tense and their ability to comprehend narrative text has very low correlation. Y1 - 2016/09/18/ UR - http://eprints.unpak.ac.id/9122/ A1 - LINA, WATI ID - eprintsunpak9122 TI - THE CORRELATION BETWEEN STUDENTS? UNDERSTANDING ON PAST TENSE AND THEIR ABILITY TO COMPREHEND NARRATIVE TEXT M1 - Skripsi ER -