TY - THES PB - Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan AV - public N2 - ABSTRACT This research is aimed at investigating the correlation between students? vocabulary mastery and their ability to write essay. It is conducted to the sixths semester students of EESP Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences of Pakuan University. They are chosen because they have learned to write an essay. The population of this research is 92 students while the sample is 76 students, taken by quota sampling technique. In conducting the research, correlation method with Ex Post Facto design is applied and the data are formulated by Pearson Product Moment Formula. The data are taken from the test of vocabulary mastery and the test of ability to write essay. The result shows that there is low correlation between students? vocabulary mastery and their ability to write essay. The result of the calculation (0.33) is higher than the score of the table (0.220) in the significant level 0.05 with df 74 based on the critical value of the Pearson Moment correlation coefficient. Thus, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It can be concluded that there is correlation between students? vocabulary mastery and their ability to write essay. Thus, the student who has good vocabulary mastery will be able to write essay. Y1 - 2017/07// UR - http://eprints.unpak.ac.id/9125/ A1 - Yuyu, St. Yuningsih ID - eprintsunpak9125 TI - THE CORRELATION BETWEEN STUDENTS? VOCABULARY MASTERY AND THEIR ABILITY TO WRITE ESSAY (A Study Conducted to the Sixth Semester Students of English Education Study Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences Pakuan University M1 - Skripsi ER -