TY - THES PB - Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan AV - public N2 - ABSTRACT Vocabulary is a part of learning a new language. It can help people to understand and to communicate with each other especially for English language. Therefore, to make learning and practicing English Vocabulary is more effective, English teachers are recommended to implement good strategy when they teach vocabulary. The teacher can use an appropriate method in teaching vocabulary. It will help increase the students? vocabulary. This research is intended to find out The Use of Kumon Method on Students? Vocabulary Mastery. It is conducted to the third grade of SDN Ciheuleut 1. In this research, Pre-experimental method is used with one group Pre- test and Post-test design. At the begining of the research, the sample is given pre test to know the students` vocabulary knowledge. O1 is used as a symbol of result of the pre-test and O2 is used as a symbol of the result of post-test. After giving the treatment, the post-test is given to know the result of Kumon Method. However, one class in the third grade have 30 students and taken as the sample by using purposive sampling as technique sampling of the research. The purposive sampling is used due to the sample has low achievement and lack of vocabularies. The design of t-test formula is applied to get the final result. Based on the data of calculation, it shows the t-test value is 13.65. The result of t-calculated and t-table with d.f = 29 at the significant level of 0.05 is 2.04. Meanwhile, the t- test value is 13.65 It means that the t- test value is higher than the value of t- table (13.65>2.04). Therefore, it can be concluded that the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. Keywords: Vocabulary Mastery, Third grade students, Kumon Method Y1 - 2019/07// UR - http://eprints.unpak.ac.id/9165/ A1 - Gita, Handayani ID - eprintsunpak9165 TI - THE USE OF KUMON METHOD ON STUDENTS? VOCABULARY MASTERY M1 - Skripsi ER -