%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Rizky, Dirza Arshya %A Mugiyanti, Mugiyanti %A RAHMAWATI, YELNI %A Susanti, Helen %A Unifersitas Pakuan, %A Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Budaya, %A Sastra Jepang, %B Sastra Jepang %D 2023 %F eprintsunpak:9203 %I Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Budaya %P 94 %T Analisis paham Nihilisme pada tokoh Zeke Yeager dalam Anime Shingeki no Kyojin %U http://eprints.unpak.ac.id/9203/ %X Dirza Arshya Rizky 043118041 2023. Analysis of Nihilism in the character Zeke Yeager in the Anime Shingeki no Kyojin, Thesis, Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, Japanese Literature Study Program. Pakuan University Bogor. Under the guidance of Mugiyanti M.Si. and Yelni Rahmawati M.Si. The object of research in this research is an Anime with the title Shingeki no Kyojin which is found in Season 4 in episodes 15 and 19. This research uses a descriptive analytical approach with the aim of examining the understanding of nihilism found in the character Zeke Yeager in the Anime Shingeki no Kyojin Season 4, in In this discussion, the researcher will describe the types of nihilism and what causes Zeke to embrace nihilism. The theory used in this research uses the philosophical theory of nihilism from a philosophical figure named Fredrich Nietzche.