TY - THES PB - Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan AV - public N2 - v ABSTRACT Sales promotion is an important role in promoting the product. To master their English speaking skill, sales promotion employ some strategies. The research entitled ?Sales Promotion Strategies to acquiring English? is aimed at describing the strategy used by sales promotion in acquiring English speaking skill to communicate with the buyers. The research is conducted at Grapari Telkomsel Bogor, involving one sales promotion. In conducting the research, descriptive method is used. The data are taken from observation, questionnaire distribution and interview. The result shows that the partcipant employ some language learning strategies in mastering English speaking skill. It covers memory, cognitive, compensation, metacognitive, affective, and social strategies. Y1 - 2017/07// UR - http://eprints.unpak.ac.id/9239/ A1 - Mutiara, Suhartini ID - eprintsunpak9239 TI - SALES PROMOTION STRATEGIES TO ACQUIRE ENGLISH (A Study Conducted to the sales at Grapari Pajajaran-Bogor) M1 - Skripsi ER -