@phdthesis{eprintsunpak9247, author = {Ulfa Sufia Syifa}, title = {TEACHING SPEAKING TO AIRCRAFT TECHNICIAN STUDENTS (A Study Conducted at SMK Penerbangan Angkasa Bogor)}, school = {Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan}, year = {2019}, abstract = {ABSTRACT English is one of the subjects that are taught to students in all kind of schools, including vocational school. Aircraft technician school is one of them. This research intended to find out the technique that teacher uses in teaching speaking to aircraft technician students. Descriptive method was used to this research at SMK Penerbangan Angkasa Bogor. The participants were 11th grade students and the English teacher. The instruments of this research were classroom observation, documentation, and interview. One of the ways in teaching speaking to aircraft technician students was by providing them visual media in order to help them understand more about the material. For example, teacher showed them pictures which contained short conversation text on the projector screen and guided them to read the conversation, so they were able to pronounce the sentences appropriately. According to the data analysis, it was concluded that the teacher had to apply seven techniques in teaching speaking to aircraft technician students; they were using techniques that cover language based on accuracy to message based on interaction, meaning, and fluency, providing intrinsically motivating techniques, encouraging the use of aunthentic language in meaningful contexts, providing appropriate feedback and correction, capitalizing on natural link between speaking and listening, giving students opportunities to initiate oral communication, and encouraging the development of speaking strategy. Keywords: teaching technique, speaking, aircraft technician students}, url = {http://eprints.unpak.ac.id/9247/} }