%T Peningkatan Komitmen Terhadap Profesi dengan Penguatan Efikasi Diri dan Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja melalui Kepuasan Kerja (Studi Empiris Menggunakan Metode Path Analysis dan SITOREM pada Dosen Tetap Yayasan di Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Kota Tangerang Selatan) %L eprintsunpak925 %D 2022 %X Education is a tool that can be used by a country in developing its human resources, One of the strategic levels is higher education because such a critical effort can be started to develop students before they are ready to enter the world of work. The success of higher education is also largely determined by lecturers who have a high commitment to their profession. This study aims to find ways and strategies to increase the commitment in teaching profession, moreover it can produce the appropriate recommendations for lecturer. This is done by conducting the research on the variables that affect commitment to the profession, namely self­ efficacy, quality of work life and job satisfaction. This research was conducted on permanent lecturers at private universities in Tangerang Selatan, sample in this study was 320 lecturers with proportional random sampling technique. The research method used was quantitative methods with path analysis and SITOREM analysis. The results of the study show: 1) there is a direct effect of self-efficacy on commitment to the profession ({31 =0,208); 2) there is a direct influence on the quality of work life on commitment to the profession ({32 =0,393); 3) there is a direct effect of job satisfaction on commitment to the profession ({33= 0,399);4) there is a direct effect of self-efficacy on job satisfaction ({34= 0,650); 5) There is a direct influence on the quality of work life on job satisfactiontji, = 0,344); 6) There is an indirect effect of self-efficacy on commitment to the profession through job satisfaction ({36 = 0,259); 2) There is an indirect effect on the quality of work life on commitment to the profession through job satisfaction ({J7= 0, 13 7). Based on SITOREM analysis of the four research variables, it can be seen that there are seventeen indicators that need to be improved to increase commitment to the profession. The order of priority for improving indicators are: 1) Job design; 2) Work Balance; 3) Health, Stress & Safety; 4) Promotion Opportunities; 5) Supervision; 6) The Job it Self; 7) Performance Exposure; 8) Self Instruction Performance; 9) Atribution; 10) Relaxation Biofeedback; 11) Important Part; 12) Proud; 13) Enthusiastic; 14) Explore the Profession; 15) Responsibility to Stay in Profession; 16) Guity dan 17) Sense of Loyalty. Based on this research, it can be concluded that commitment to the profession can be increased by strengthening self-efficacy and quality of work life through job satisfaction. %I Universitas Pakuan %A Saiful Anwar %A Bibin Rubini %A Widodo Sunaryo