%T Evaluasi Program Bimbingan Teknik Kurikulum 2013 pada Guru-guru MTs Swasta Dilingkungan Kementrian Agama Republik Indonesia Kota Depok %L eprintsunpak93 %D 2019 %X The program BlMTEK C-20I3 is a training or guidance curriculum technique 2013 in order to improving the previous curriculum and improve professionalism, creativity, innovation, competence, and quality private MTs in the Ministry of Religious Affairs Depok, especially target teachers with high dedication to educate people. There are several obstacles or the problems found in private teachers in preparing lesson plans and the syllabusin the region of Ministry of Religious Affairs Depok, by referring to the implementation oh Curriculum 2013 as the object of research. The research was conducted to evaluate the implementation of Program BlMTEK Curriculum 2013 on private MFs teachers in Depok which has been started and has been applied since 2013 by the Ministry of Education and Culture Affairs as a decision maker and standardization by implementation of Curriculum 2013 in every schools and Madrasahs. This research used the qualitative descriptive with a ClPP model (Context, Input, Process, Product) developed and popularized by Daniel Leroy Stufflebean. Data Collection Instruments used is interview guidelines, observation guidelines, the study documents, and questioner. Data analysis carried out through display data, reduction data, verification data and the conclusion, and objectivity credibility using a technique of triangulation. The results of of the study showed that; (1)evaluation to the needs program (Context Evaluation) in the good category,(2) evaluation for preparations (Input Evaluation) mostly influence on the good category, (3)evaluation of implementation program (process Evaluation) performance on a good category, and (4) evaluation of the results and usefulness of the implementation program activities (product Evaluation) place in the enough category. The recommendation of the evaluation result was able to continue sustainable and continuous with a number of aspects have to be restored order (amendment), and requires renewal (Novelty). The Successful results of the follow ing workshop to increase motivation and corporation of participants by fourth of aspects has been followed in the activities are; aspect of corporate with stakeholders, Aspect of enforcement of Technical Guidance program of Curriculum 2013, Aspect output, and aspect outcome, by quantitative such us: (1) 49% participants declare "Very Good", (2) % participants declare "Good", (3) 15% % participants declare "enough", (4) 15% participants declare "deficient", 0 % nothing participants declare "Very deficient" %I Universitas Pakuan %A Syaharudin %A Billy Tunas %A Widodo Sunaryo